Honey Buzzard Lasse - Winter 2010 - 2011
16 October
Lasse spent all day in the same area in which he arrived around 10 days ago.
From now onwards these texts will be updated only in case something new or exceptional should occur.
However, the locations will be updated on the maps regularly at approximately 5-day intervals.
Source: © Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki | Text: Jari Valkama
Lasse spent all day in the same area in which he arrived around 10 days ago.
From now onwards these texts will be updated only in case something new or exceptional should occur.
However, the locations will be updated on the maps regularly at approximately 5-day intervals.
Source: © Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki | Text: Jari Valkama
Lasse stays in the same area, in which he arrived around 23 days ago.16 October
However, the locations will be updated on the maps regularly at approximately 5-day intervals.
Source: © Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki | Text: Jari Valkama
The location point 17 from October 26, 2010 is currently the latest. The area is probably about 5-6 square kilometers.
Honey Buzzard Lasse has flown a distance of 4 km near the water. The current location point 19 is from today.
Looks like Lasse had a good fish lunch near the water 31.10.10, and then flew back to a familiar place (location points 21 and 22)
It's a bit confusing, that the location number are changing, now formely 19 is = 20.
It's a bit confusing, that the location number are changing, now formely 19 is = 20.
Lasse has traveled about 270 km south-southwest, to Lope National Park, near the southwestern corner, in Gabon however. Last position, 22, was from 31.10.2010, then become three position 23, 24 and 25 from 04.11.2010. Last position, 26, is on the next day 05.11.2010.
Source of the maps: © Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki
http://www.luomus.fi/english/zoology/sa ... eybuzzard/
Source of the maps: © Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki
http://www.luomus.fi/english/zoology/sa ... eybuzzard/
Lasse has moved slightly in the region.
Last location point 26 was on day 5.11.2010 and time was then 00:06:07 (GMT)
Some new location points: 27 ; 9.11.2010, time 15:42:20
------------------------------: 33 ;9.11. 2010, time 20:18:33
From point 26 to point 33 takes about 10 km.
Source of the maps: © Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki
http://www.luomus.fi/english/zoology/sa ... eybuzzard/
Last location point 26 was on day 5.11.2010 and time was then 00:06:07 (GMT)
Some new location points: 27 ; 9.11.2010, time 15:42:20
------------------------------: 33 ;9.11. 2010, time 20:18:33
From point 26 to point 33 takes about 10 km.
Source of the maps: © Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki
http://www.luomus.fi/english/zoology/sa ... eybuzzard/
Honey Buzzard Lasse is staying still on the same area, which he arrived in early november. The last location point is 40 from november 24. The wintering area is about 5 square kilometers (own estimate).
http://www.luomus.fi/english/zoology/sa ... rd/#footer
http://www.luomus.fi/english/zoology/sa ... rd/#footer
Lasse has been in this approximately five square kilometres region for last 3 months.
Source of the maps: © Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki
http://www.luomus.fi/english/zoology/sa ... rd/#footer
9 February
Lasse is still in the same area (locations 86 to 88 at the Google Earth map). The transmitter was installed exactly six months ago.
Text: Jari Valkama
© Finnish Museum of Natural History http://www.luomus.fi/english/zoology/sa ... rd/#footer
Lasse is still in the same area (locations 86 to 88 at the Google Earth map). The transmitter was installed exactly six months ago.
Text: Jari Valkama
© Finnish Museum of Natural History http://www.luomus.fi/english/zoology/sa ... rd/#footer
3 March
On 9 February Lasse was still in the same area where he has been for three months. Quite
surprisingly, locations of 14 February (numbers 89 onwards on Google Earth map) revealed
that he had returned 270 km northwards to the area where he stayed in October. In early
hours of 1 March he was still on that area. Lasse's spring migration will most likely
start in the beginning of April. We can only hope that the battery has still enough
capacity to show us Lasse's way back to Finland.
Text: Jari Valkama
© Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki
http://www.luomus.fi/english/zoology/sa ... rd/#footer
On 9 February Lasse was still in the same area where he has been for three months. Quite
surprisingly, locations of 14 February (numbers 89 onwards on Google Earth map) revealed
that he had returned 270 km northwards to the area where he stayed in October. In early
hours of 1 March he was still on that area. Lasse's spring migration will most likely
start in the beginning of April. We can only hope that the battery has still enough
capacity to show us Lasse's way back to Finland.
Text: Jari Valkama
© Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki
http://www.luomus.fi/english/zoology/sa ... rd/#footer
On 14 February Lasse returned 270 km northwards to the area where he stayed in October. The latest location point 106 shows, there he still is on 5 March.
The expected duration of the battery is approximately 550 hours (i.e., 9–10 months). So it's quite possible, we will be abled to follow his spring migration about the beginning of April.
Source © Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki
http://www.luomus.fi/english/zoology/sa ... rd/#footer
Lasse is still staying in the same area. His location of 30 March is number 121 onwards on Google Earth map.
Lasse remains in wintering area.
According to the Google Earth Map we have 3 new location points:
122, 03.04.2011, 15:54:06 (GMT)
123, 03.04.2011, 16:57:39 (GMT)
124, 03.04.2011, 18:39:14 (GMT)
Distance from points 121 and 123, there is only 4.5 km, and from point 121 to 124 about 1 km.
According to the Google Earth Map we have 3 new location points:
122, 03.04.2011, 15:54:06 (GMT)
123, 03.04.2011, 16:57:39 (GMT)
124, 03.04.2011, 18:39:14 (GMT)
Distance from points 121 and 123, there is only 4.5 km, and from point 121 to 124 about 1 km.